On Women's Equality & Sexuality

I was riding the train from the Bronx back to the Village. And all you here are some Latinos (probably Dominican) talking about this one girl who gave head to some guy.
One girl said, "diablo ahora tu puedes ir donde ella por que tu sabes que ella es fácil. Tu le dice algo bonito y ya tu sabe que ella te lo da haci, como si na"
In other words, they were calling her easy and a whore. That because she got with one guy she is willing to sleep around with the whole team.

"Yo no entiendo por que ella se hace eso" (I don't understand why as a female she would make herself so easy).
And the entire time I'm just thinking about how patriarchal and fucked up these people are. This one girl was talking negatively of this other girl. She was allowing herself to be molded by society's expectation of her, and in turn was lowering the worth of another female. No one said anything about the guy, no one called him dirty. All the negative attention was being directed to this girl. And I'm probably in no position to talk about sexuality, seeing as I'm not sexually active yet (despite the pressures on it for being a college student).
But it is this negative attribution with females and their sexual desires that is essentially what makes me shy away from the act. Because the day I decide to "bust it open for a nigga," I'm going to be seen as a "sucia" by most.
I don't understand why the sexuality of a women is still seen as something sacred, and dirty once she's given anything up to anyone. Women are discouraged from and shamed for sexually experimenting and being open about their desires, whereas men are encouraged to go after these same women.
I'm really going off of observation and opinion, as I have not read any feminist texts, texts on women's equalities or texts on women and their sexuality. Though I have studied enough from Hinduism, Christianity and Greek texts to know I'm not making an ill conceived argument. And although this is the case, this does not negate the fact that historically, in all religious texts and all forms of cultures and societies, women have been considered inferior and their sexuality was not supposed to be fluid.
Imma need people out here to get woke tf up. They got me messed up with this sheltered thinking. The day I decide to bust it open should not equate to be the day I receive cynicism from those with sheltered minds.

1 comment

  1. "The day I decide to bust it open should not equate to be the day I receive cynicism from those with sheltered minds" So much truth Shirley; keep them coming.
