#BlackOutTuesday Morning Thoughts

This is a civil war between the police state and unarmed citizens. People of all intersectional identities have joined together to meet the face of oppression face to face in the streets. People are saying to them “these are the structural impediments you have placed upon us for 400 years, stop killing us, stop exploiting us, stop conditioning us to unsuitable living situations.” Instead of protecting its citizens and upholding the values of equality, liberty and justice, the police will rather beat, shoot, run over, pepper pray tase, arrest, and murder people to uphold a racist patriarchy. This is the image of America. Do not be fooled by cops taking a knee, that is a distraction from the reality that the system was not created to uphold any of our rights or values. There are cops looting so that the media can blame that on the protestors. 

The beauty of 2020 is that everyone can document the revolution even if it won’t be televised. They tried to send a signal to the world that they can censor our freedom of speech when they arrested the CNN reporter, Omar Jimenez, and his crew. They are trying to send a message to New York that the police has any right to do what they must do to impose curfews and Martial Law. Including inflicting violence on its citizens. But we will not be deterred nor will we be fooled. We all have a platform, speak up! The truth of the matter is that the system will use its puppets to uphold itself. Call it what it is! Love is not winning, violence has taken over. 

Please heal yourself and heal your community. Hold a harsh mirror to yourself like we do to America. It is the only way I’m which we will fix the illnesses of our communities and the larger structure, it is how we will get progress and liberation. 

Much love to black people, we will be the beacons of light. Keep creating please 🙏🏽💖🕊

A playlist to uplift your spirits: Find Your Peace [Fuk 12]

Riveting and invigorating visuals by Daniela Brito (@datpiffexclusive) 

Pictures by Fela Raymond @felaraymond 

Video by Kaykay Sublime @kaykaysublime 


Donating to Protest Bail Funds

Anti-Racism sources

Black Consciousness Raising

Mental Health Resources

#blacklivesmatter #blm ✊🏽🗽

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