America: Allies With The World, Enemies With Their Own Citizens

Just hours after the horrific attack in Paris, Secretary of State John Kerry held a press conference and said, "I want to make sure that it absolutely crystal clear, that the United States stands with France, and the rest of the world, in our resolve to eliminate and discourage violent extremist groups from the face of the earth."

This is not to discredit the atrocities that are being experienced on a worldwide level by the victims of terrorist attacks. This is to discredit the minimal recourse that has been taken by the American government, and American citizens as a whole, to bring an end to the injustices in their own country.
World leaders are voicing so much support to France (as they should), but they are not speaking on behalf of the many people that see day-to-day violence like this. At this point I'm not only talking about the hardships faced by day-to-day people of color in the States. I'm also referring to the:

  • Baghdad suicide bomb attack
  • The Palestinian being murdered
  • Syrian refugees fleeting from ISIS
  • ISIS suicide bombing in Lebanon 
  • IDF soldiers and Israeli settlers
  • The 147 people killed at Kenyan University by Somali Militants
  • Mexico's 4.3 magnitude Eathquake
  • Japan's 7.0 magnitude earthquake

I find it ironic how invested America is in keeping their allies. They are so devoted in raising awareness in just mere seconds about the terrorism attacks in other parts of the world, namely their strongest allies, but still don't address the large scale terrorism that still exists in their own country; discrimination towards race. 

It is clear that whenever a group of white people are being targeted, the media responds quickly to bring attention to it and to inform others to be global citizens. But when people of color are being marginalized, attacked, terrorized and excluded, the media only gives it slight coverage, if any. 

The reasons I say,"America: Allies With The World, Enemies With Their Own Citizens," is because whenever an ally is at harm, or white people seem to be attacked by people of color, America takes immediate action to stand by the victims. But how many college campuses aren't terrorized by white supremacists and extremists? Kerry says that we should "eliminate and discourage violent extremist groups from the face of the earth." That is easy to say when you are talking about people that are not in your same religious, cultural and racial groups. 

Days before the Paris attack, Mizzou students demanded their administration to take recourse against the racial aggression people of color are facing on campus. There is no large scale media saying "#PrayForMizzou." No large scale media exposing the manager of an Apple Store who kicked out six high school students for the alleged threat that they posed; the color of their skin. The media didn't expose those who dressed up as KKK members for Halloween.What about everything that happened with Sandra Bland and the conspiracy behind her death?

If you want to be allies with the world why don't we address the race disparity in the countries you are allies with. How about the eighth-grader in Toronto that the was sent to the principal's office because her natural hair was to big and "poofy?"

But most importantly, why don't we take care of our own country before we start investing importance into allies. People of color need representation, they need a voice, they need course of action. America, focus on those suffering under your control before you focus on the adversities people outside of America are facing. Don't just condemn the terrorism that just occurred in Paris and stand by France, condemn all terrorist attacks here in America and vow to stand by those terrorized just for being people of color. 

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