Rant on the Lack of Representation for PoC at NYU

I highkey thought that I was going to enjoy NYU because it is a liberal school. Well, it appears to only be liberal for it's white student population.

Of course The Tab NYU has posted two articles on the White Student Union already, but they are refusing to publish my piece because giving the people of color point of view is too controversial for the NYU community. They also denied me when I wrote about Mizzou and how it was affecting students on campus. Like I'm so sorry you are concerned about losing potential donors that would give you millions of dollars like they did for Poly (my b, I meant "Tandon") School of Engineering because PoC want to express how they feel.
You didn't need to fact check anything and "speak to your supervisor" when the last two posts were merely giving tribute to the page. Just because now it is confirmed to be a hoax it doesn't mean that there aren't people who said rude bigotry towards people of color and that we didn't suffer a virtual attack to our race.
I'm f****g tired of NYU giving me the short end of things, why on earth would you not want the community to understand how people of color feel about the situation on campus. It's not even so much about the actual union, but instead those that would support the union, and those that are attributing the union with their own fundamentals, and those that are emphasizing their "white supremacy." Why would you post an article interviewing the creator of the page and not cover how it affects people and how they are reacting?
It's not even about it being he hoax, it's about the reaction it is causing and having people understand that.
In his words, the reason it isn't being published is because:
"You yourself wrote even though it may be a hoax it's still important to address, which I agree with you completely. We just don't want to keep harping on the group because we don't want to keep implicitly legitimizing them past the two things we've already published. It's not about your opinions it's about the group," because of course let's protect the group and how white people feel and how they are being oppressed by the 5% of the student body that is black.

He then messaged me and said "get rid of anything having to do with the White Student Union and to shape your piece into a stand alone op-ed on race issues at NYU." 

Like yeah, let's just ignore the whole white side of the story when it is in a PoC's point of view and let's just make it sound like more black people being angry about race, let's just get rid of all the evidence.

Like yes, it is about my opinion, and the thousands more at this school, because the point of The Tab is to address what's happening. How tf you only address like 10% of it? Who cares that it's a hoax, there are people left and right supporting this, and consciously marginalizing students of color. 
It's okay to address the alleged "death threats" that the developer has received, but not the social injustices and overall threat PoC receive from racist slurs and the overall existence of the page? I thought NO ONE knew the developer of the page, so how tf are they receiving death threats? Ok. Cool.
Bet you if I wrote a kumbaya on how to spend thanksgiving in the dorms when you cant go away for the break he would publish that dumb sh** in a heart beat.

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